Working remotely can be a dream come true for many people, but it can also be tough if you don’t know what you’re doing. I’ve been working remotely since 2016 and have had to figure out how to manage my time while working from home, which has led me to develop some great habits that have made my life easier. Here are six of them:

Create a comfortable, dedicated workspace.

A home office is an ideal place to work from home. That said, it’s important that you make it clear to others that this space is off-limits during non-work hours and when in meetings with other people. It should be a place where you can focus and not be disturbed by family members or pets—and especially by other employees who may not understand why you need privacy in order for your productivity to skyrocket.

Ideally, the size of your home office should be no smaller than 4’x5′, so that you’ll have enough room for two desks (one for yourself and one for any coworkers who will sometimes join you), an ergonomic chair (to keep back pain at bay), computer equipment—and even a small couch or loveseat if needed (for taking breaks).

Get dressed like you’re going into the office.

One of the best ways to stay on task is to get dressed like you’re going to work. You don’t need to put on a suit, but it’s important to dress for comfort and warmth depending on where you live and what time of year it is. Also, if your job requires you to attend meetings, then make sure your attire is video ready. In general, it’s best not to wear super-tight or loose clothing because then you’re constantly thinking about how uncomfortable something feels—and nobody wants that distraction while trying to get things done!

Eat three meals every day.

Eating regularly is important. Your body needs food to function, and it’ll take it from you if you don’t give it something to work with. You may find that when you’re working remotely, your energy levels drop at the end of the day because you haven’t eaten enough throughout the day.

In order to make sure this doesn’t happen, make sure that every three hours or so (depending on how much work there is), you eat something healthy and balanced—and preferably homemade! This will help keep hunger at bay while also giving your brain a break from thinking about coding or whatever else might be keeping you busy. It’s also a good time to take a walk around the block (or wherever) in order to reset after sitting down for so long at a desk all day long—which can get pretty monotonous if not punctuated by breaks like these!

If cooking seems like too much effort for whatever reason—maybe because it’s late at night already and there won’t be enough time before bedtime anyway?—eat out instead: restaurants are open later than grocery stores these days anyway! Just remember that junk food isn’t going anywhere anytime soon; don’t let yourself get too caught up in mindless snacking just because there aren’t any other options available nearby besides those kinds of foods.”

Create and stick to a schedule.

Creating a schedule is the first step in managing your time. You can’t get anything done if you don’t know what needs to be done, so take some time to figure out what tasks are due, when, and how long they should take. Plan on setting aside blocks of dedicated work time, as well as times for breaks and lunches (and maybe even sleep). It may seem obvious, but the only way this works is if you stick to it! Don’t overcommit yourself by saying yes to things that will make it impossible for you to stay on schedule; instead, learn how to say no politely but firmly when appropriate.

Take breaks.

By all means, take breaks—but make sure they’re short and sweet. If you’ve been working for an hour without a break, step away from your computer for five minutes. You don’t need to get up from your desk; just stand up and stretch, then sit back down. This will help you refocus on your work and create better habits (not to mention reduce the chance that you’ll develop a repetitive stress injury). Don’t let yourself get burned out by being too focused on one task at a time; instead, give yourself small opportunities for mental rest throughout each day so that you can stay productive but also feel rested and engaged in what you’re doing.

Create a positive work environment.

When you’re working remotely, it’s important to create an environment that allows you to focus. This means getting rid of clutter and distractions in your personal space, making sure it’s well-lit and quiet, and keeping it clean. It’s also important to create a space that feels comfortable and relaxing so that you can feel good about the work you’re doing without feeling anxious or stressed out by being in an unfamiliar place.

There’s no need to struggle when it comes to working remotely!

It’s possible, and it can be great.

Working remotely has many benefits. But if you’re not careful with your time management, you might get overwhelmed by the number of tasks that need to be accomplished in a day.

Here are six ways you can manage your time when working remotely:

  • Set clear goals and priorities: Make a list of tasks that need to be completed and prioritize them based on their importance and urgency.
  • Create a schedule: Plan out your day, including work hours, breaks, and free time. Stick to this schedule as much as possible.
  • Eliminate distractions: Minimize interruptions by finding a quiet workspace, turning off notifications, and minimizing the time spent on social media.
  • Use time-tracking tools: Keep track of the time you spend on each task to ensure that you are being productive and to identify areas for improvement.
  • Take breaks: Regular breaks help you avoid burnout and improve focus. Take short breaks every hour or so to recharge.
  • Communicate with your clients: Regular communication with clients helps ensure that you are meeting their expectations and deadlines, and can help prevent miscommunications and last-minute rush.

Don’t Forget!

There’s no need to struggle when it comes to working remotely, you just need some guidance! Remember that everyone has their own unique situation and circumstances. But with the tips we’ve provided above, you should be able to find something that works for you.

If you want to start your own remote freelance business, check out these resources:
– The Freelancer Startup Bundle
– The Startup Guide
– Upwork Profit Audit

If you are in need of more customised assistance in your business Book a FREE Discovery Call now and let’s see if we are a good fit.

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