Hey guys,

There are many people in my life, but there are a selected few who mean the world to me. Today I am giving thanks for my friendship circle. I have been blessed to call some of the most amazing people friends.They have my back through all the bullshit and drama and I have theirs also.

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I have been told that I stick to my old people and I must admit it is true. I love meeting new people yes, however I will forever hold dear my foundation people. They all know themselves and their worth in my eyes, guys I love you, to the moon and back.

Thank You Poem (For you my Friends)

To all the ones I know and love,
Each and every one of you know who you are,
The life I have and the man I am is because of you,
My heart has grown and flourished because the time we shared and experiences I gained,
Were not possible without you.
I love all of you so much,
My words will never be enough,
When I take a moment and think of you my heart raises to the skies above,
I wish I was a wealthy man although money could never replace the wealth you have given me,
you have given so much more,
If I could give anything your heart desires I would,
But all I am is me,
I hope and pray every day that in time I can,
So I can give back to all of you in some way,
Until then please know you are never forgotten and are thought of always,
I love all of you so much my eyes fill with tears of joy that you choose me to be one of your friends,
Your understanding love and wisdom,
Your patience and courage,
Truth and honesty even your anger when I have done wrong,
All these things and so much more have taught and shown me what love is and truly means,
I express to you my gratitude and loving beams of light,
That we all continue to share this wonderful friendship,
In this world we all call life,

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Thank You Jesus

Love Destiny

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