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Do Your Best! 

God is excellent. As His representatives, we should be too. So it’s important that we do our best in everything that we put our hands to. We must be motivated to do our very best in whatever we set out to accomplish. Paul urges us to “learn to…prize what is excellent and of real value.”

As we make excellence a way of life, we will sense God’s joy and be good examples to the world.

You must sow excellence in order to reap an excellent harvest. We can’t expect excellent results in life when we don’t live a life of excellence. The Bible teaches us to develop diligence, steadfastness and determination, all of which will help us live lives of excellence.

So I encourage you to do your best with any project or activity that God places in your path. Be diligent. Don’t leave things undone, but finish what you start to the best of your ability. Set your mind to be steadfast and determined. Commit yourself to excellent results.

God honors an attitude of excellence. Choose to do your best, and He will always work alongside you.

Prayer Starter

God, I want to live a life of excellence. Strengthen me and help me to do my best in every situation with steadfastness, diligence and determination.

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