God Approves of You

God Approves of You

We need to speak affirming words over people. We need to resurrect this benediction in Numbers 6:24-26: “The Lord bless you and watch, guard, and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon and enlighten you and be gracious (kind, merciful, and giving favor) to you; the Lord lift up His [approving] countenance upon you and give you peace” (AMP).

In other words, God’s smiling at you. Think about it. Every time you smile at someone, you’re saying to them, “I approve of you. I accept you. You’re cool.”

God not only approves of you, He’s smiling over you. He loves you! You need to get that so deeply rooted within your heart that nothing can ever take it from you.

When you’re rooted in God’s love, He’s going to help you stand up in faith and start walking in obedience to Him. But you can’t go ahead of Him trying to do good works on your own. You have to know the Word so that you can know who you are in Christ.

In Psalm 18:19, David said, “God is pleased with me.” David wasn’t perfect, but he knew God delighted in him. God is pleased with you too. Get that truth down inside you. He is smiling over you and He loves you very much. God approves of you!


God, thank You so much for loving me and for approving of me. Thank You for smiling over me. Your love has changed my life and I know that it will only continue to do so as I grow in You.

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