Hey guys,

Who knew that you have to actually take care of your hair for it to grow?  🙂 Go figure. I had my hair in braid extensions for about two months or so and then decided to remove them. While washing my hair I realized my hair was broken and damaged.


That sucked a lot because you may not know but I love my hair. Now it’s a fact that I have not been taking care of it for a while now. Busy with life and all but I realized that its full-time I take it in hand.

So I did some research on YouTube, Google, hair sites etc, and found out that I haven’t even been trying where my hair is concerned, nothing else describes my behaviour except neglect. Yeah, imagine that!

Now with the decision made its time to get products. I honestly believe that this hair business is just gonna be expensive, I mean when I saw all the different types of products suggested, used and so on I began to wonder if I could fit all that into my budget.

Anyho I began to hunt down my products and this is what I got do far:


NB: I had natural hair for most of my life, I actually started relaxing about two years ago. And I have heard before and probably will hear again: “why did you relax your hair; chemicals are bad for your hair; natural is better; natural is healthier.”

I have heard it all and I don’t care. I am doing what’s best for me and whoever can do what’s best for them OK? To each their own.

Now I have created a regime for myself which is as follows:

  1. Wash once a week with sulfate-free shampoo
  2. Wash once monthly with sulfate shampoo/clarifying shampoo
  3. Moisturize and seal twice daily
  4. Deep condition after every wash
  5. Light protein treatment bi-weekly and heavy protein after clarifying once a moth
  6. Relax every :-/… 4 months (May revise this later)
  7. Take vitamins daily

I normally do take multi vitamins on a daily basis but I have added Biotin to the mix as well.

I found that the majority of persons I read about or watched on YouTube conditioned or treated their hair longer than advised for better benefit. However I don’t have the 2 or 3 hours they use so I will be deep conditioning with heat.

I am really excited to have started this journey and I look forward to your advice or suggestions if you have any.

I am destiny brown saying, gorgeous hair is the best revenge.


  1. lizzyric November 5, 2014 at 18:47

    Sounds like a lot of work. Good luck!!!

    1. DESTINY November 5, 2014 at 18:53

      I will be but I wont give up 🙂


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