My Heart Shed Tears

My heart shed tears

As I listened to the story of the

the fifty-eight year old man

Who lost most of what he had

House, car, and friends

Peace, pride, and joy

as a result of one unforeseen misfortune

My eyes shed tears

As I listened to the story of the

twenty-five year old woman

diagnosed with an incurable stage 4 cancer

raising two young children all on her own

not ready to leave her children

alone here on this earth

My ears shed tears

As I listened to the story of

the fourteen year old child

who willingly took his own life

after many years of being bullied

laughed at, spit on, and ridiculed

just because he did not look and act a certain way

My lips shed tears

As I listened to the story of

the forty-five year old woman

mentally and physically paralyzed

left for dead

after being abused by her unfaithful husband

of twenty-two years

My heart shed tears

Tears of empathy

As I listened to each of their testimonies and life stories

My heart shed tears

Tears of appreciation

As I am reminded that my life

With all of its pain, disappointments, mishaps, and mistakes

Is worthy to be cherished, respected, celebrated, and lived

My heart shed tears

Tears of gratitude

For this precious gift called LIFE

by K.L RegisterThe Ninth Life

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