Hey, lovely! So, I’ve got some real talk for you today. Grab a cup of tea, get comfy, and let’s dive into a little heart-to-heart about starting over and healing. You know that feeling when life smacks you in the face and you realize it’s time for a reset? Yep, I’ve been there, too. And let me tell you, unlearning old habits and healing from past wounds isn’t a walk in the park. But it’s oh-so-worth it. Let’s talk about why it’s hard and how we can navigate this journey together.

The Wake-Up Call

Picture this: I was cruising through life, juggling my freelance gigs, and travelling every chance I got. It all looked picture-perfect on Instagram, but behind the scenes? I was a hot mess. One day, I woke up and realized I was running on empty, repeating patterns that weren’t serving me, and holding onto baggage that weighed me down. I knew I had to start over, but where do you even begin when you feel like your whole life needs a makeover?

The Realization: Unlearning Is Key

First things first, I had to acknowledge that unlearning was the key to my healing. It’s like decluttering your closet – you have to let go of the old, ill-fitting clothes to make space for new ones that truly reflect who you are now. The same goes for our minds and hearts. We carry beliefs, habits, and stories that no longer serve us, and unlearning them is crucial for our growth.

Why Unlearning Is So Damn Hard

Unlearning isn’t just hard; it’s like peeling an onion – there are layers upon layers, and sometimes it makes you cry. Here’s why it’s such a challenge:

1. Comfort Zones Are Sticky

We all love our comfort zones, don’t we? They’re like that cozy blanket on a cold day. But staying in your comfort zone means you’re not growing. Unlearning pushes you out of that snug space and into the wild unknown, and that can be scary as hell.

2. Old Habits Die Hard

Our brains love routine. When we’ve been doing something the same way for years, our brains have wired themselves to make it automatic. Changing those habits is like reprogramming a computer – it takes time, effort, and patience.

3. Fear of the Unknown

Starting over means stepping into uncharted territory. We don’t know what’s waiting for us on the other side, and that fear can be paralyzing. It’s like standing at the edge of a cliff, knowing you have to jump but terrified of the fall.

My Unlearning Journey

Alright, time for some real talk about my unlearning journey. It wasn’t pretty, and it definitely wasn’t easy, but it was transformative.

1. Identifying the Patterns

The first step was identifying the patterns and beliefs that were holding me back. I started journaling, digging deep into my thoughts and actions, and questioning why I did what I did. Why was I so hard on myself? Why did I always put others’ needs before my own? It was like shining a flashlight into the dark corners of my mind.

2. Embracing Vulnerability

Next, I had to embrace vulnerability. This meant opening up to my closest friends, seeking therapy, and admitting that I didn’t have it all together. It was terrifying, but it also felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders. Vulnerability isn’t a weakness; it’s a strength.

3. Rewiring My Brain

Rewiring my brain was probably the toughest part. I started small, with daily affirmations and mindfulness practices. I set boundaries and practiced saying “no” without feeling guilty. I surrounded myself with positive influences – books, podcasts, and people who inspired and uplifted me.

Tips for Your Unlearning Journey

Now, let’s get into some practical tips that can help you on your unlearning and healing journey:

1. Be Gentle with Yourself

This process isn’t about perfection; it’s about progress. Be kind to yourself and celebrate the small victories. Remember, healing isn’t linear.

2. Seek Support

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Whether it’s a therapist, coach, or supportive friend, having someone to talk to can make a world of difference.

3. Create New Routines

Replace old, harmful habits with new, healthy ones. Start your day with a positive ritual – maybe it’s meditation, a morning walk, or journaling. Find what works for you and stick with it.

4. Practice Patience

Change takes time. You might stumble and fall, and that’s okay. What matters is that you get back up and keep moving forward.

5. Stay Curious

Approach this journey with curiosity rather than judgment. Ask yourself questions, explore new perspectives, and be open to growth.


Starting over and healing through unlearning isn’t easy, but it’s one of the most rewarding things you can do for yourself. It’s about shedding the old skin, letting go of what no longer serves you, and stepping into the beautiful, authentic person you’re meant to be. So, take a deep breath, my friend. Embrace the journey with open arms and an open heart. You’ve got this. And remember, I’m right here cheering you on every step of the way.

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