Visualize Your Victory Sunday Meditation – I still have battles I need to win and obstacles to overcome, and I’m sure you do too. I encourage you to pick one thing you’d like to start working on today.

I’ve had some great victories in my life. God has set me free from so many old sins, bondages and habits. The thrill of freedom I’ve experienced is absolutely amazing, and it’s something God wants all of us to experience.

Next, start visualizing your victory today. Think about what your life will look like when you’re free.

Obedience is better than sacrifice

I use Deuteronomy 28 as an incentive. I encourage you to read the whole chapter. It basically says that if you obey God, He will bless you, and if you disobey God, you will be cursed. Now that’s a powerful incentive, wouldn’t you agree? Visualize Your Victory!


I like working with God to conquer things and not let the enemy rule me. In fact, I think the most exciting journey in life is simply saying, “God, I want to change. I want to please You.”

When you get into that frame of mind, you can get free from one thing and go on to another thing and another thing and pretty soon, you’ll start to realize that you have some real authority in Christ. Visualize Your Victory!

Don’t live your life without the thrill of growing and changing or you’ll miss out on the good things God can do through you.

Take some time today to visualize the person you want to be and start pursuing God’s freedom. Because one day at a time, you and God can do anything!


God, I believe that I can experience Your freedom. Today, I visualize the free person I can be in You. Empower me as I live to please You and walk in the authority You’ve given me.


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